Friday, November 18, 2011

Vegan Danskos!

Got my new Vegan Danskos today! I'm so excited... I love them. These are the vinyl covered canvas so they are waterproof. I'm waiting for two other pair to come. I usually order 2-3 pairs and keep the ones I like best :) Thanks Zappos for your VIP service.

Black Vinyl covered canvas Dansko

I decided this week after eating vegan for almost two years to give up my leather ware. I haven't bought any for at least two years. Money has been tight so I have not made buying new shoes and belts a top priority. We do what we can when we can.

I know there are some vegans that would not accept this but for me this is the way it's gotta be. I have a hard time finding shoes that I like let alone that fit. So it takes me time and of course money to switch over.

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Hello World!

Hello and Welcome to Get Veggie!

Get Veggie is our way of showing the world that you can eat well without eating animal products. It's all about compassionate eating while still eating food that tastes great.

I will set out to show you what we eat day to day. We strive to eat organic, non GMO food and of course vegan. This means we do not use any animal products.

We live in Oregon, about 20 minutes from Portland. I am not an expert on nutrition but I have been researching nutrition for the past two years. My search has lead me to enroll at the Institute of Integrative Nutrition in New York where I am working to become a certified holistic health coach by September 2012.

My goal for blog is to help and teach people how easy it is to go vegan because I truly believe that compassionate living is the way to save our world.

Thank you for visiting Get Veggie and make sure to subscribe for updates.
What to expect to see  here:

  • Recipes
  • Restaurant visits
  • Research summaries
  • Interviews from other vegan bloggers
  • Review of new or favorite products
  • and more :)

How Dangerous are GMOs?

Genetically Modified Foods are becoming the norm. People don't even know when they are eating them because there is no mandatory labeling by the FDA. Having the right to choose what we eat is very crucial for healthy living. There is so much to learn about these foods that I have decided to post Jeffrey M. Smith's whole presentation called Everything You Have to know about Dangerous Genetically Modified Foods.

Currently soybeans, corn, canola, and cotton seed oil are crops mostly grown in high amounts in the US. Unfortunately, most of the feed to live stock is soybean and corn based. And most of the oils used in fast food are soy based as well, making it one of the highest consumed crop in the US. This could be just one of the reasons that allergies, digestive issues and cancer are on the rise like never before.


This presentation is divided into ten parts so please be sure you watch them all and most importantly, please pass on the information to others especially mothers of young children.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

Part 5

Part 6

Part 7

Part 8

Part 9

Part 10